

Secretary: Ms. Grunwald

Diana Bock provides advice on real-estate related matters. Here, the focus of her activity is on contractual arrangements an negotiations of commercial rental agreements.

Among office blocks and commercial buildings the scale of her activity includes hotels, retail stores, shopping Center, medical facilities, industrial locations and airports. She also advices real-estate embossed transactions. She has experience for many years with real-estate disputes, also in court. She mainly works for group companies, medium-sized companies, municipalities, banks and family-owned companies (family offices).

Curriculum Vitae

Diana Bock studied at the Ruhr-University Bochum. There, she takes the first state examinations in law. She finished the legal clerkship in 1997 with the second state examinations in law. She has been working at Kümmerlein Rechtsanwälte & Notare since 1997. There, she has helped to set up the real-estate department. She is specialised in tenancy law and has broad and varied exposure especially with contractual arrangements an negotiations of commercial rental agreements.

Diana Bock speaks German and English.

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