Lawyer & Notary


Secretary: Mrs. Hache

Dr. Elke van Arnheim has been practicing as a lawyer in national and international corporate law since 1991. Dr. Elke van Arnheim advises local and international clients on all issues concerning company and partnership law- especially in transnational cases. The comprehensive support of clients on matters of corporate restructuring as well as company succession is of particular importance.

Dr. Elke van Arnheim advises corporations and medium-sized companies as well as companies with municipal shareholders. Her notarial specialization encompasses inheritance law as well as company and partnership law.

Dr. Elke van Arnheim is a member of various German-international associations of law.

Curriculum Vitae

After her studies in Bielefeld and Münster, Dr. Elke van Arnheim sat her first legal state examination in 1984. Following her legal clerkship in Lübeck which she completed in 1988, she worked as a research associate as the Institute for International Business law at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster. After successfully completing her dissertation on antitrust law, she did a Masters of Laws at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the area of international business law in 1990/1991, following which she started practicing law at Kümmerlein Rechtsanwälte & Notare, Dr. Elke van Arnheim became a notary in 2004.

Dr. Elke van Arnheim speaks German and English.

Der räumlich relevante Markt im Rahmen der Fusionskontrolle, 1991

New Merger Control Rules in the EEC (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Sandrock), The International Lawyer 1991, 859