Jens Nebel has been one of the frequently recommended lawyers for data protection and IT law in Germany for years. Legal 500 recommends him for IT and digitalization and writes in the current issue: "Outstanding professional quality, astute, meticulous, clear, advises holistically and tactically, thinks quickly and comprehensively about a problem from the client's perspective." In 2024, 2020 and 2018, WirtschaftsWoche named Jens Nebel one of Germany's best IT lawyers. The recognised medium also named him as one of the leading lawyers in data protection law in 2021 and 2022. Handelsblatt and BestLawyers have also consistently listed Jens Nebel as one of the best IT lawyers in Germany since 2019. The nationally published Kanzleimonitor has been recommending Jens Nebel as a "leading lawyer in IT law" ever since 2020. In addition to several academic publications, Jens Nebel regularly comments on data protection and IT law issues in media published throughout Germany, such as the FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung or SPIEGEL. He also acted as the defendant in one of the most important data protection proceedings before the European Court of Justice.
In the project business, he supervises and negotiates complex software development projects (often according to agile project methodology) as well as outsourcings, both on the provider and on the demand side. For providers, he is a sought-after consultant for the conception of platform and cloud solutions. In the fashionable field of data protection law, Jens Nebel benefits from his many years of experience and design practice in this area.
Jens Nebel also advises and represents clients in the area of soft IP (copyright, trademark and design law) and competition law.
Following his legal education in Bochum, Washington DC and Wellington (New Zealand), Jens joined KÜMMERLEIN in 2005. His focus has always been IT law and data protection. He is a certified IT Attorney (Fachanwalt fuer Informationstechnologierecht) and did his doctorate on a data protection law topic. Having lived, studied and worked abroad, Jens is absolutely fluent in English.
Einwilligungsverwaltungsdienste nach dem TTDSG, CR 2022, 18-24
Werbe-Tracking nach Inkrafttreten des TTDSG, CR 2021, 666-673
Administrative Fines for Infringement of Information Duties:Aggravating and Mitigating Factors in Light of Data Subjects’ Indifference. In European Data Protection Law Review. Berlin. Lexxion, 2021, S. 285-295. DOI:
Information Duties under the General Data Protection Regulation, Brno, 2021
Kommentierung von § 1 and §§ 15-23. In Nebel/Diedrich (Hrsg.), Gesetz zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen. Kommentar. Essen. Kümmerlein Simon & Partner, 2019.
Information Duties under the GDPR: What Level of Detail Is Required? In HAMPEL, D. PEFnet 2019: Abstracts. 1st ed. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2019, S. 95-96. ISBN 978-80-7509-692-0.
The Effectiveness of Privacy Policies and What it Can Mean for the GDPR. In Enterprise and Competitive Environment: Conference Proceedings. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2018, S. 453-460. ISBN 978-80-7509-561-9.
Die Zulässigkeit der Übermittlung personenbezogener Kundenstammdaten zum Vollzug eines Asset Deals, CR 2016, 417-424.
Aktuelle Programmiertechniken und ihr Schutz durch § 69a UrhG, CR 2016, 61 (zusammen mit Dr. Stiemerling).
Rechtliche Aspekte von Kollaborationsplattformen, Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement 2014, 33-35
Rechtliche Gestaltung von Wettbewerben, Ideenmanagement 2012, 30-32
Web 2.0: Rechtliche Spielregeln für Banken (zusammen mit Dr. Gores und Dr. Diedrich), in: Grahl (Hrsg.), Web 2.0 und soziale Netzwerke – Risiko oder strategische Chance? Handlungsoptionen für die Zukunftsperspektive von Kreditinstituten, 2011
Open Innovation, Ideenmanagement 2011, 35-36
MED’s Position Paper on Digital Technology and the Copyright Act: Legislation Without a Solution?, VUWLR 2005, 45.
Stromausfall begründet keinen körperlichen Schaden, VersRAl 2005, 33 (zusammen mit Kochinke).
Bank oder Nicht-Bank: Auch Discount-Broker trifft Prüfungspflicht bei Scheckeinlösung, VersRAl 2004, 56 (zusammen mit Kochinke).
Sind Computerdaten körperliche Sachen?, VersRAl 2004, 8 (zusammen mit Kochinke).
The significance of English precedent in the common law of New Zealand, 2004
Der Strafschadensersatz auf dem Prüfstand – Auswirkungen des State-Farm-Urteils des US Supreme Court, VersRAl 2003, 62 (zusammen mit Kochinke).
Haftpflichtversicherer muss dem Linux-Anbieter im Prozess gegen Microsoft beitreten, VersRAl 2003, 37.
United States Bankruptcy Code vs. einzelstaatliches Recht: Die Unwirksamkeit von ipso-facto-Klauseln im US-Vertragsrecht, GALJ 2003,