Lawyer & Notary


Secretary: Ms. Grätz

Sebastian Raape since 2004 advises specialized in real estate law and commercial tenancy law. He advises and accompanies his clients in designing contractual arrangements an negotiations of rental agreements for commercial objects as well as for residential portfolios. He has broad experience in real estate and tenant law matters and is continuously engaged for group companies, medium-sized companies, family offices and private stock holders. He is regularly active in litigation and arbitration, notably in complex civil disputes.

Further on, a focus on activity of Sebastian Raape is to advise companies and private clients on questions of corporate law and contract law, especially for small and medium-sized companies, their partners and entrepreneurs. The topics of his legal activites also represent the focus of its activity as a notary public.

Curriculum Vitae

After studying law at the Universities of Bochum and Hamburg, Sebastian Raape is attorney at law since 2004. He is specialized lawyer for tenancy and condominium law and for labour law and was appointed as a notary public in 2018. Formerly, Sebastian Raape was active in various law firms specialized on real estate law. Since January 2021 he acts as an attorney and notary public at KÜMMERLEIN. In addition, Sebastian Raape gives presentations and inhouse-trainings concerning real estate law and rental law.

He speaks german and english.

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