Lawyer & Notary


Secretary: Ms. Gabriel

Dr. Ulrich Irriger has been working as a corporate lawyer since 1992, drawing up contracts for and legally representing companies and their shareholders in business law with regard to corporate transactions and restructuring, and in all aspects of trade law and company-related law. In addition he advises clients on company succession planning, banking and inheritance law as well as distribution and license agreements and real estate law. Dr. Ulrich Irriger also acts as a lawyer and an arbitrator in arbitration proceedings. Since 2001 Dr. Ulrich Irriger is acting as a notary in the fields of corporate law, real estate law and inheritance law.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Ulrich Irriger studied at the University of Münster and during his studies worked at the Institute of International Business Law under Prof. Großfeld. There, he also did his doctoral degree. Directly after the successful completion of his legal training in 1992, Dr. Ulrich Irriger started working for Kümmerlein Rechtsanwälte & Notare. He has been a notary since 2001. Dr. Ulrich Irriger speaks German and English.

Dr. Ulrich Irriger/Dr. Sebastian J.M. Longrée – Aktienrechtliche Mitteilungspflichten gemäß § 20 AktG nach Formwechsel in eine AG, NZG 2013, 1289ff.

Teilung und Teilveräußerung von Geschäftsanteilen. Offene Rechtsfragen zur Zuständigkeit und Wirksamkeit, GmbHR 2010, 617 (zusammen mit Dr. Münstermann)

Genossenschaftliche Elemente bei öffentlich-rechtlichen Körperschaften, 1991

Intertemporales Unternehmensrecht (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Großfeld), JZ, 1988